Valor Flat Beans/Chikkudukaya/Papdi

Weight: PER LB

Papdi beans are long, flat beans with smooth, green skin. Papdi beans are picked when young and still tender. Older, more mature beans get woody and fibrous.



Papdi beans are long, flat beans with smooth, green skin. Papdi beans are picked when young and still tender. Older, more mature beans get woody and fibrous and are inedible. They have a taste similar to green beans. 


Papdi beans are available in the winter months. 

Current Facts

Papdi beans, or green flat beans, are a big part of cuisine in the Guajarati region in west India. It is known by several names both in India and abroad. Scientifically known as Dolichos lablab, it is known as Valore bean, Val bean or warlor papdi, and Indian Bean in the US. 


Papdi beans are often served as an accompaniment to meat or fish dishes. It is used extensively in Indian cuisine and is typically found in 'Subzis' or vegetable dishes, either sautéed or baked. Young beans are washed thoroughly and the ends and strings are removed. The Indian beans can be blanched prior to preparing, to save time. Cut pods into one inch sections, or remove the young, tender seeds and add to salads or soups. Dried seeds are not edible.