Sakthi Egg Kurma Masala

0.44 lb
Weight: 200 Grams

Sakthi Egg Kurma Masala

Recipe with Sakthi Egg Kurma Masala :

Boil 5 eggs, remove shell and make them into 10 pieces. Fry mustard in edible oil with 100g chopped onion, 2 green chilli, 3 tomatoes and curry leaf.

Add 50g Sakthi Egg Kuruma Masala, 1 cup coconut paste, necessary salt and water. Add egg pieces and boil contents for 10 minutes. Now tasty egg kuruma is ready.

Mushroom, cauliflower, potato kuruma also can be prepared using Sakthi Egg Kurma Masala.

Sakthi Egg Kurma Masala Ingredients :

Coriander, Pepper, Chilli, Cashew nut, Salt, Cinnamon, Aniseed, Turmeric, Cumin, Clove, Garlic, Ginger, Refined Groundnut Oil.