Fresh Mint Leaves

Mint or mentha belongs to the Lamiaceae family, which contains around 15 to 20 plant species, including peppermint and spearmint. It is a popular herb that people can use fresh or dried in many dishes and infusions. Manufacturers of toothpaste, gum, candy, and beauty products often use mint oil.

Using fresh mint and other herbs and spices in cooking can help a person add flavor while reducing their sodium and sugar intake.

Here are eight powerful effects of mint on our overall health:

1. Treats all your stomach woes
Do you remember being offered pudin hara when you complained about a stomach ache in school? Mint leaves are anti-inflammatory in nature which helps in reducing any inflammation in your stomach. Mint leaves also helps relieve indigestion.

2. Boosts your immune system
Mint leaves are rich in phosphorus, calcium and vitamins like C, D, E and A which improve the body’s immune system. It also protects your cells from any damage, thereby reducing the risk of any chronic illness.

4. Beats morning sickness and nausea
Since it’s a great remedy for treating stomach issues, it can also be a great remedy to treat nausea associated with morning sickness. It activates the enzymes necessary for digestion and beats nausea. It can be a great remedy for expecting mothers who often experience morning sickness.

5. Helps you with allergies and asthma
Mint leaves contain a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent called rosmarinic acid. This agent blocks allergy-producing compounds, helping people suffering from allergies and asthma.

6. A great remedy for the common cold
The changing of seasons makes everyone sick. If you’re someone who always struggles with a nasty cold, try mint. Mint helps clear the congestion from your nose, throat and lungs. Thus, it helps you with treating cold and breathing. Moreover, the antibacterial property of mint helps in relieving irritation caused by coughing.

7. Takes care of your oral health
Have you wondered why many tubes of toothpaste come with a mint base? That’s because of its antibacterial properties. It inhibits the growth of bacteria and cleanses plague deposition in your teeth. Moreover, it kills bacteria and beats bad breath, keeping your mouth and teeth naturally healthy.

8. Helps you manage stress
The aroma of mint is very calming in nature which can be used in aromatherapy to beat stress. The aroma of mint helps in relaxing your brain and body by calming your mind. Mint also has adaptogenic properties which regulate the cortisol levels and builds a natural resilience to stress.